If you are a Linux user, using Linux commands greatly enhances your productivity and efficiency, allowing you to navigate through directories, manage files and processes, troubleshoot issues, automate tasks, and perform a wide range of operations from the command line.

Basic Commands

  1. ls: List directory contents
  2. cd: Change directory
  3. pwd: Print working directory
  4. mkdir: Make directory
  5. rm: Remove files or directories
  6. cat: Concatenate and display files
  7. echo: Display messages or values of variables
  8. history: Display previously executed commands
  9. find: Search for files in a directory hierarchy
  10. tar: Create or extract archive files

System Information

  1. top: Display and update sorted information about processes
  2. free: Display amount of free and used memory in the system
  3. df: Display disk usage statistics for filesystems
  4. whoami: Print the current logged in user’s name
  5. uname: Display system information
  6. dmesg: Print the kernel ring buffer
  7. lshw: Display detailed hardware information

File Operations

  1. nano: A basic text editor for creating and modifying files
  2. cp: Copy files and directories from one location to another
  3. mv: Move or rename files and directories
  4. touch: Create an empty file or modify the timestamp of an existing file
  5. ln: Create a symbolic (soft) or hard link to a file

Network Commands

  1. ping: Test connectivity between two networked devices
  2. traceroute: Display the path taken by internet packets
  3. ssh: Securely connect to a remote computer via SSH
  4. netstat: Display network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics
  5. tcpdump: Capture and analyze network traffic

User and Permissions

  1. chmod: Change permissions of a file or directory
  2. chown: Change the ownership of a file or directory
  3. useradd: Add a new user account to the system
  4. usermod: Modify a user account
  5. groupadd: Create a new user group
  6. passwd: Change the password of a user account

Package Management

  1. apt: Advanced Package Tool for installing, updating, and removing software packages
  2. dpkg: Lower-level package manager for directly installing .deb packages
  3. yum: Yellowdog Updater Modified for managing RPM packages
  4. rpm: Red Hat Package Manager for installing, querying, and verifying RPM packages

Process and System Control

  1. ps: Display information about running processes
  2. kill: Terminate or send signals to processes
  3. service: Manage system services
  4. systemctl: Control the system and service manager
  5. shutdown: Shutdown or reboot the system
  6. halt: Stop the system

Compression and Archiving

  1. gzip: Compress or decompress files
  2. gunzip: Uncompress .gz files
  3. zip: Create or extract .zip files
  4. unzip: Extract content from .zip files
  5. rar: Create or extract RAR archive files
  6. unrar: Extract content from RAR archive files
  7. 7z: Create or extract files from 7z archive files

I hope this comprehensive list helps you in your Linux journey!

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