Git is a powerful version control system that enables developers to track changes to their code and collaborate effectively on software development projects. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, mastering Git commands is essential for productive and efficient development.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at 20 essential Git commands that every developer should know.

1. git init

This command initializes a new Git repository in a folder. When you start a new project, you’ll need to use this command to create a new repository for your code.

2. git clone

This command enables you to clone a Git repository from a remote source onto your local machine. To clone a repository, you’ll need the repository’s URL.

3. git add

This command adds files to the staging area, which prepares them for committing to the repository. When you make changes to your code, you’ll need to use this command to add them to the staging area.

4. git commit

This command creates a new commit with changes from the staging area. Every commit has a message that describes the changes made in that commit.

5. git push

This command pushes the committed changes to a remote repository on a server. When you finish working on a feature or fixing a bug, you’ll need to use this command to push your changes to the remote server.

6. git pull

This command pulls changes from a remote repository to a local repository on your machine. You’ll need to use this command when someone else has made changes to the codebase.

7. git status

This command shows the current status of the repository, including changed files, staged files, and untracked files.

8. git log

This command shows a history of all commits in a repository. It displays the commit message, author, date, and commit hash.

9. git branch

This command shows a list of all branches in a repository. You can also use this command to create new branches.

10. git checkout

This command checks out a branch or a specific commit. When you switch to a different branch or commit, you’ll be on a different version of the codebase.

11. git merge

This command merges two branches together. You’ll use this command when you want to combine changes from one branch into another.

12. git rebase

This command rewrites the commit history to incorporate changes from another branch. It’s useful for keeping a clean and linear commit history.

13. git fetch

This command fetches changes from a remote repository without merging them. It’s useful for seeing changes made by others before merging them into your codebase.

14. git reset

This command resets the state of the repository to a specific commit. It’s useful for undoing changes or reverting to a previous version of the codebase.

15. git revert

This command creates a new commit that undoes changes made in a previous commit. It’s useful when you want to preserve the commit history while undoing a change.

16. git stash

This command saves changes that are not yet ready for committing. It’s useful when you need to switch to a different branch or work on a different feature temporarily.

17. git tag

This command creates a tag that represents a specific version of the codebase. It’s useful for marking significant milestones in the project’s development.

18. git remote

This command shows a list of remote repositories that the local repository is connected to. You’ll use this command to add, remove, or modify remote repositories.

19. git submodule

This command manages submodules, which are nested repositories within a repository. It’s useful for breaking down a large project into smaller, more manageable pieces.

20. git bisect

This command helps you find the commit that introduced a bug in the codebase. It’s useful for debugging and finding the root cause of issues.

Wrapping Up

We have covered 20 essential Git commands that every developer should know. While you may not need to use all of these commands on a daily basis, mastering them will help you work more efficiently and effectively on your codebase. With practice, you’ll be able to use Git like a pro!

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